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October eNotes
Poinsettia Time
Buy plants, grow musicians, in our annual fundraiser for music scholarships
Make plans for the holidays now and help young musicians at the same time, by purchasing beautiful poinsettias from CMC.
Order now (online, by phone, or in person) and pick up your plants in early December - just in time for holiday decorations and gifts. Save $1 per plant on must items by placing your order by Oct. 18.
Choose from XMas Day Red, White Star, Lipstick Pink and Red Glitter (new this year - nearly all red with white sparkles), in several size options.
Parent Workshops - starting Oct. 10
Try our new free series for parents of string students
Announcing the first Parent Workshop, this Saturday, October 10 from 1:30 – 3:00 pm at CMC. Appropriate for parents of children ages 4-12 who are in their first or second year of lessons - violin or cello. (Not intended for children to participate.)
Holding it Together in the Practice Room – a Primer for Parents
A strong foundation in posture and position is so important for a student’s success on an instrument, but gravity can take a toll between lessons such that progress might be lost each week. This workshop will give you tips and pointers to help you focus your child on bow hold, left-hand position & stance at home, allowing your young learner to move more quickly on to songs and pieces. Also get some assistance with note reading, and instrument tuning, too. Meet other parents! Snacks provided! Instructors: Elizabeth Peyton and Heather Blackburn.
Participants should bring:
- an instrument (either their own or their child's)
- current pieces being worked on by the child at home (such as Suzuki book)
- instrument tuner if you have one (look into download a tuning app such as "Violin Multi-Tuner" created by Martin Britz)
It is free! Advanced registration requested. To register, call CMC at 503-823-3177 or register online at using your account associated with the email address used for this message to you (don’t create a new account). Course number is 1038871.
For a full list of events at CMC, see our online concert calendar.
Quintet to Benefit CMC
Mousai Remix will perform a concert of chamber music featuring the "American" String Quartet in F Major by Dvorak and the Brahms Quintet for Clarinet and Strings on Sunday, October 25. Admission is suggested donation of $10/person ($15/family). Concert is at 7 pm, doors open at 6:30 pm.
Mousai Remix is a critically acclaimed group of Oregon Symphony musicians including CMC instructor Jennifer Arnold (pictured upper right). The musicians are donating their services to support need-based scholarships for music education at the Community Music Center.