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November News
Parent Workshop - Nov. 14
Try our new free series for parents of string students
Announcing the 2nd Parent Workshop, this Saturday, November 14 from 1:30 – 3:00 pm at CMC. It’s free! (Advanced registration requested – see below).
Making Practice Playful
Now that the honeymoon period is over, how do I help my child keep momentum on their new instrument? Get the answer to this question & others with an introduction to a variety of musical games & motivational strategies that work for beginning youth students of all ages. Gain new ideas for introducing less stress into practice routines. Meet other parents to share experiences & “ah-ha” moments, & get valuable feedback to help support your child’s musical journey. If you have a good practice game to share with the group, please bring it! Snacks & refreshments provided. Instructor: Elizabeth Peyton.
Appropriate for parents of children ages 4-15 who are in their first or second year of lessons on any instrument. (Not intended for children to participate.)
Participants may bring:
an instrument (either their own or their child's)
a smartphone, if you have one (teacher will show different practice apps)
a stuffed animal, playing cards, dice, or any game you’ve invented yourself!
To register, call CMC at 503-823-3177 or register online at using your account associated with the email address I used for this message to you (don’t create a new account). Course number is 1038872.
Give the Precious Gift of Music
CMC and its students rely on generous donations from individuals
Our annual fund drive is on! Help us to provide equitable access to quality music programs. Your gift increases harmony in our community, so please donate now!
As a special offer to our major donors, order your own free copy of the book "Community Music Center: the First 60 Years - a Musical History" with your gift of $500 or more before Dec. 31, 2015. The value of this item is $25.*
*Note that gifts received in exchange for a donation may reduce the tax-deductibility of your charitable gift. For your own situation consult the IRS or a tax attorney.
CMC Calendar Notes
CMC is OPEN with NORMAL SCHEDULE on Nov. 11 (Veterans Day)
THANKSGIVING WEEK - private lessons on Monday and Tuesday only; no group classes Thanksgiving week. See our online schedule and handy year-at-a-glance calendar for more information.