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CMC Notes for February 2016
Family Friday: Hansel & Gretel
Friday, February 19 at 7:15 pm. Free (suggested donation of $5 for individual and $15 for family).
Enjoy the timeless fairy tale set to a melody-full classical score. Pianists Momoko Muramatsu and Maria Garcia perform an abridged version as piano duo, with narrator Susan Smallsreed. Snacks, and group activity after the concert, too!
See the Family Friday website for more information.
Faculty Concert 2016
Have you seen your teacher perform, yet? Join us for a spectacular demonstration of astounding musicianship from our wonderful performing artist instructors. Sunday Evening, April 3, 2016 at CMC.
The performers donate their services to raise funds for the Center's scholarship program. Information and tickets.
Spring Registration starts Feb. 22
New Beginning Piano classes available starting the week of March 28th:
New Session of Preschool-age Music classes from March 29th.
Spring session of Old-time/Folk music for adults starts March 31:
We also have limited space in continuing classes and ensembles for youth and adults. See our online catalog or give us a call at 503-823-3177.
Calendar Reminders for CMC Students
- CMC is closed on Monday, Feb. 15 for Presidents Day
- Students are automatically rolled over to Spring Term with tuition due by the first day of the new term. This rollover will occur on Tuesday, Feb. 16. If you aren't continuing to Spring Term, please notify the CMC office right away. Note: early childhood music, senior piano, and Jam Session Sing-along do not roll over; students in these activities need to re-register for spring term to continue.
- Please make help us keep staff costs down by making sure your account is paid and up to date. You can access your account online at (click on 'register now', and sign in using your email address - don't create a new account if you are currently enrolled, instead use 'forgot my password'). Late fees apply to accounts over two weeks overdue.