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Notice of Annual Meeting
The non-profit Community Music Center Inc. will hold its Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 12th at 2:00 pm via Zoom (link below). Agenda includes such business as shall legally come before the membership. Voting members of the non-profit are individuals who have donated at least $35 to CMC Inc. in the fiscal year, current students of CMC 18 years or older, and/or parents of youth students at CMC. A full agenda and minutes from prior year are posted below. Contact the Director if you have any questions, or wish to learn more about serving on the CMC Inc. Board.
Zoom Webinar Link
When: Jun 12, 2021 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: CMC Concert & Annual Meeting
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Community Music Center Inc.
Saturday, June 12th at 2 pm via Zoom
Kathy Schroeder, Vice-President
Brian Wagner, Vice-President
Kevin Lefohn, Vice-President
- Welcome & Introductions
- Approval of Minutes from 2019 Annual Meeting (see below)
- Election of Members
- Returning members (3-year term): Matthew Morgan, Sarah Reardon, Katrina Kahl
- New member: Alec Martinez, Jarod Smith
- Announcements & Appreciation
- Thank you for your service to retiring board member Kathy Niguidula
- Student Awards
- Other Business
- Adjourn
Minutes for the Community Music Center, Inc. Annual Meeting
May 31, 2019 at 7:00 PM
Community Music Center, David Beasley Campbell Auditorium, 3350 SE Francis St., Portland, OR
Kevin Lefohn, CMC, Inc., President, opened the meeting at 7pm. Other CMC, Inc. board members in attendance: Brian Wagner, Kathy Schroeder, Judy Rompa, Sara Watts
President Kevin introduced himself and welcomed the membership in attendance for the Orchestra concert.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting for 2018 were approved as provided.
CMC, Inc. board members for 3 year term through 2022 were nominated on recommendations from the Board, voted on and approved: returning members - Sara Watts & Katherine Schroeder & new member - Kathleen Niguidula.
Gregory Dubay, CMC, Inc. executive director and CMC Director, clarified provisions of PP&R’s budget as to the Center, specifically that it is not closing; it is not privatizing; there will be no decrease in services, but there will be reduction in full-time staff. Gregory thanked the non-profit for stepping in to fill the financial gaps in the 2019-2020 FY. Gregory thanked Kevin for his service as the non-profit’s president and all other board members and volunteers.
President Kevin then
- reviewed the non-profit’s financial support, i.e., doubled for this fiscal year
- mentioned the non-profit’s work in the new year to increase messaging regarding the non-profit’s work for the Center
- also mentioned the Charles Farmer (former long-time CMC Executive Director) Fund & the Shirley Englund (former CMC teacher) Fund, both for scholarships
- informed the members that the Board was working on renewing its partnership contract with the City
- talked about hoping to set up Advisory Councils to the board for East Portland and for Alumni
- thanked Gregory, board members, volunteers, donors, sponsors, staff and teachers for helping to make CMC a success.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:14pm.
Submitted by Kathy Schroeder, CMC Inc. Board member