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Announcing the 2011 CMC Awardees
Marian Swartz Award: Ingo Timm, violin, student of Hong Chou – performing on June 3rd
John L. Judge Award: Liam Dubay, cello, student of Stevie McDougal – performance on June 3rd
Dorothea Lensch Award: Joshua & Freeman Cherng, violins, students of Louise Grube – performing on June 11 at 3 pm
Louis Kaufman Award: Alexa Rakoski, violin, student of Justin Mackewich – performing on June 4th at 1:30 pm
Louis Kaufman Award: Lucas Biespiel, violin, student of Cynthia Scott – performing on June 3rd
Mildred Berthelsdorf Award: winner to be announced at the June 4th Spring program
Mary Margaret Dondore Award: winner to be announced at the June 11th Francis Street Singers program
For more details on performances, please visit our concert calendar