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Milstone Moves
CMC says "thank you!" to Stevie McDougal and Elizabeth Knopp, who have had a long-time presence at the Center. They'll both be leaving at the end of spring term - we'll miss them!
Stevie McDougal came to teach at CMC at the invitation of Director Phil Murthe in about 1978. Her 34+ year career was celebrated at the 2012 Faculty Showcase Concert. Stevie received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Stephens College and graduate studies at Indiana University. She performed with the Oregon Symphony for 38 years and now plays in the Newport Symphony. She has been commuting from the beach to teach at the Center - now she'll drive into Portland a little less often!
Elizabeth Knopp started her musical career at the Community Music Center, taking lessons and classes all through elementary and high school, winning the CMC Kaufman Award in 2002. Soon after graduation she started teaching violin at CMC, and participated in our teacher training program, resulting in her getting registered to teach in Suzuki Books 1- 10. Elizabeth is getting married this summer, and she and her husband are moving to the Mid-West to continue teaching music.