News Posts List
Director's List for SY 16-17
CMC recognizes students who've shown noteworthy progress, dedication or achievement in the last school year
Call for volunteers: Music in Summer Playgrounds
This summer we have a fun music outreach volunteer opportunities.
Call for household items
Have some containers or dried grains go donate for kids to use for making playground instruments? See our list of needed instruments and bring them to CMC today!
CMC Honor Roll SY 16-17 includes new $2,000 award
CMC Students of note honored with awards, including the new Kaufman Award for violin or piano student
2017 Graduates Honored
CMC showcased its high school graduates in a send-off recital June 9
Silent Auction 2017
Great deals on concert tickets, fine dining, CDs, fitness, and other fun items!
April eNews
New Spring classes, Summer activities, Faculty Concert, and more
Poinsettia Sale 2016
Our yearly 'buy plants, grow musicians' fundraiser is taking your orders
School Year Announced!
Check out the wide variety and depth of musical offerings at the Community Music Center for Fall 2016 and through the school year!